Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16th: 7:47 p.m.

Sitting inside the Warm Puppy, listening to the sharks-kings game while watching the newman varsity team practice.


It may not seem like THAT big of a deal, but I wore shorts today. And I wasn't self-conscious about how I looked or how my legs looked. That was brave of me. I also sat with my friend Anne during my sociology lecture, which is different for me, since I usually sit alone in the back of the auditorium.. by myself. So, hey, being more social and making more of an effort to be friends with the people who at least consider me a friend. I think that is a good thing.
Also went out on a limb and accepted Kyle's offer to sleep over at his place tonight. HIS place. I haven't slept over there before, and (for some reason) I am very nervous about it because I have not seen him for quite a while.. and that bothers me for some stupid reason. I started to tell him no, that I wouldn't be coming over, but then I told myself "what do I have to lose?" and decided that I would go and have fun. I don't do that often, and I need to have fun sometimes. It's good for you, right? I'm looking at it as a step toward not being such a coward and not being such a flake.

LESSON OF THE DAY - be more social and don't be such a flake on people who actually care about you.

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